
  • Separating Markov's Principles [pdf]
    Liron Cohen, Yannick Forster, Dominik Kirst, Bruno da Rocha Paiva and Vincent Rahli
    Proceedings of LICS, 2024
  • BoxTT: a Family of Extensional Type Theories with Effectful Realizers of Continuity [pdf]
    Liron Cohen and Vincent Rahli
    Logical Methods In Computer Science, 2024
  • The Complex(ity) Landscape of Checking Infinite Descent [pdf,ACM]
    Liron Cohen, Adham Jabarin, Andrei Popescu and Reuben N. S. Rowe
    Proceedings of POPL, 2024
  • Inductive Continuity via Brouwer Trees [pdf,DROPS]
    Liron Cohen, Bruno da Rocha Paiva, Vincent Rahli, and Ayberk Tosun
    Proceedings of MFCS, 2023
  • Monadic Realizability for Intuitionistic Higher-Order Logic [pdf]
    Liron Cohen, Ariel Grunfeld and Ross Tate
    Proceedings of TYPES, 2023
  • Realizing Continuity Using Stateful Computations [pdf,DROPS]
    Liron Cohen and Vincent Rahli
    Proceedings of CSL, 2023
  • A Geometric Method for Improved Uncertainty Estimation in Real-time [pdf,OpenReview]
    Gabriella Chouraqui, Liron Cohen, Gil Einziger and Liel Leman
    Proceedings of UAI, 2022
  • Constructing Unprejudiced Extensional Type Theories with Choices via Modalities [pdf,DROPS]
    Liron Cohen and Vincent Rahli
    Proceedings of FSCD, 2022
  • BioTT: a Family of Brouwerian Intuitionistic Theories Open to Classical Reasoning [pdf]
    Mark Bickford, Liron Cohen, Robert Constable and Vincent Rahli
    Proceedings of TYPES, 2022
  • Evidenced Frames: A Unifying Framework Broadening Realizability Models [pdf, ACM, Coq formalization]
    Liron Cohen, Etienne Miquey and Ross Tate
    Proceedings of LICS, 2021
  • Non-well-founded Deduction for Induction and Coinduction [pdf, SpringerLink]
    Liron Cohen
    Proceedings of CADE, 2021
  • Formally Computing with the Non-computable [pdf, SpringerLink]
    Liron Cohen
    Proceedings of CiE, 2021
  • Non-well-founded Proof Theory of Transitive Closure Logic [pdf, ACM]
    Liron Cohen, Reuben N. S. Rowe
    Transactions on Computational Logic, 2020
  • Open Bar --- a Brouwerian Intuitionistic Logic with a Pinch of Excluded Middle [pdf, DROPS]
    Mark Bickford, Liron Cohen, Robert Constable and Vincent Rahli
    Proceedings of CSL, 2020
  • Integrating Induction and Coinduction via Closure Operators and Proof Cycles [pdf, SpringerLink]
    Liron Cohen, Reuben N. S. Rowe
    Proceedings of IJCAR, 2020
  • The Effects of Effects on Constructivism [pdf, ENTCS]
    Liron Cohen, Sofia Abreu Faro and Ross Tate
    Proceedings of MFPS, 2019
  • Towards Automated Reasoning in Herbrand Structures [pdf, Oxford Journals]
    Liron Cohen, Reuben N. S. Rowe and Yoni Zohar
    Journal of Logic and Computation, 2019
  • Bar Induction is Compatible with Constructive Type Theory [pdf, ACM]
    Vincent Rahli, Mark Bickford, Liron Cohen and Robert Constable
    Journal of the ACM, 2019
  • A Verified Theorem Prover Backend Supported by a Monotonic Library [pdf, EasyChair]
    Vincent Rahli, Liron Cohen, Mark Bickford
    Proceedings of LPAR, 2018
  • Uniform Inductive Reasoning in Transitive Closure Logic via Infinite Descent [pdf, DROPS]
    Liron Cohen, Reuben N. S. Rowe
    Proceedings of CSL, 2018
  • Computability Beyond Church-Turing via Choice Sequences [pdf, ACM]
    Mark Bickford, Liron Cohen, Robert Constable and Vincent Rahli
    Proceedings of LICS, 2018
  • Applicable Mathematics in a Minimal Computational Theory of Sets [pdf, Episciences]
    Arnon Avron and Liron Cohen
    Journal of Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2018
  • Reasoning Inside The Box: Deduction in Herbrand Logics [pdf, EasyChair]
    Liron Cohen and Yoni Zohar
    Proceedings of GCAI, 2017
  • A Minimal Computational Theory of a Minimal Computational Universe [pdf, SpringerLink]
    Arnon Avron and Liron Cohen
    Proceedings of LFCS, 2017
  • Completeness for Ancestral Logic via a Computationally-Meaningful Semantics [pdf, SpringerLink]
    Liron Cohen
    Proceedings of TABLEAUX, 2017
  • Intuitionistic Ancestral Logic [pdf, Oxford Journals]
    Liron Cohen and Robert Constable
    Journal of Logic and Computation, 2015
  • Formalizing Scientifically Applicable Mathematics in a Definitional Framework [pdf,JFR]
    Arnon Avron and Liron Cohen
    Journal of Formalized Reasoning, 2015
  • Intuitionistic Ancestral Logic as a Dependently Typed Abstract Programming Language [pdf, SpringerLink]
    Liron Cohen and Robert Constable
    Proceedings of WoLLIC, 2015
  • The Middle Ground - Ancestral Logic [pdf, SpringerLink]
    Liron Cohen and Arnon Avron
    Synthese, 2014
  • Ancestral Logic: A Proof Theoretical Study [pdf, SpringerLink]
    Liron Cohen and Arnon Avron
    Proceedings of WoLLIC, 2014


  • Formalizing Mathematics via Predicative and Constructive Approaches [pdf]
    Ph.D. Thesis
    Tel Aviv University, 2016
  • Ancestral Logic and Equivalent Systems [pdf]
    M.Sc. Thesis
    Tel Aviv University, 2010